Thomas Jefferson Emergency Medicine
Visiting Student Diversity Scholarship

Jefferson Emergency Medicine: Visiting Medical Student Diversity Scholarship

What is it?

  • The Visiting Medical Student Diversity Scholarship supports rising 4th year medical students from other medical colleges who wish to complete Emergency Medicine (EM) Sub-Internship within the Department of Emergency Medicine for the months of August, September, or October.
  • We will offer three (3), $1500 stipends during this academic cycle to help defray the cost of transportation, fees, and housing expenses.

Who should apply?

  • Highly motivated rising 4th year medical students, including, but not limited to, those that identify as URM (e.g. African American, American Indian, Alaska Native, Hispanic/Latino, Pacific Islander, LGBTQ) or from disadvantaged backgrounds, who are interested in gaining exposure and experience in EM and would appreciate the opportunity to network with Jefferson Emergency Medicine residents and faculty members.

To apply: Click the link below!

Apply Here!

Please Apply by: Friday, May 9th, 2025

Applicants notified by: Friday, May 30th, 2025